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Muhammad Irfan, S.Pd

 Muhammad Irfan, S.Pd adalah sosok seorang guru yang disiplin dan tegas. Beliau merupakan guru mata pelajaran matematika. Mulai dari kelas 1 hingga kelas 6. Namun sekarang karena menggunakan kurikulum 2013 beliau hanya mengajar kelas 4-6.

Pak Irfan adalah nama panggilan yang sering di sapa anak-anak. Beliau kelahiran 1984 yang masih terlihat masih muda. Tak hanya itu beliau juga lebih akrab dengan para siswa. Sehingga ketika pelajaran matematika berlangsung siswa pun tetap antusias mengikutinya.

Rumah pak Irfan sangat dekat dengan sekolah sekitar 50 langkah sudah bisa sampai di madrasah. Sehingga beliau lebih awal sampai di sekolahan. Beliau juga memiliki jam tambahan sebagai koordinator sarana dan prasarana. Sehingga slalu memantau kondisi sarpras Madrasah. Tak hanya itu beliau juga setiap malam menyalakan lampu Madrasah supaya meskipun malam Madrasah tetap terang.

Muhammad Irfan, S.Pd is a disciplined and firm teacher. He is a mathematics teacher. Starting from grade 1 to grade 6. But now because he uses the 2013 curriculum he only teaches grades 4-6.

Pak Irfan is a nickname that is often called by children. He was born in 1984 who still looks young. Not only that, he is also more familiar with the students. So that when mathematics lessons take place students are still enthusiastic to follow it.

Pak Irfan's house is very close to the school, about 50 steps to reach the madrasa. So he arrived at school early. He also has additional hours as a coordinator of facilities and infrastructure. So always monitor the condition of Madrasah infrastructure. Not only that, he also turns on the lights of the Madrasa every night so that even though the Madrasa is still bright at night.

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